United Methodist Men
The mission statement of the HUMC United Methodist Men: Doing God’s work through organizing and contributing to the activities of HUMC. The United Methodist Men are charged with coordinating and resourcing men’s ministry with The United Methodist Church.
The HUMC United Methodist Men is a core group of men that partner with the pastor to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church. The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men, assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth, fellowship activities, mission outreach and devotional events, and retreats.
The United Methodist Men meet monthly. Contact George Sisson.
The Doers 50+ Senior Ministry
Be doers of the word and not hearers only … (James 1:22-25)
The mission statement of the Doers: To live as a disciple of God, praising Him and nurturing His church and people by sharing our love, caring, friendship, knowledge, and talents with all of our sisters and brothers.
The Doers are a group of fifty-ish +, soon to be retired, newly retired, retired, young at heart people who want to be active, vital and busy adults. The Does pack Heart FELT backpack once a month and meet for breakfast each first Monday of the month.
The Doers meet regularly every third Thursday, at 12:3o pm at the church. Contact Diane Reyno, 410-257-7814, dianereyno@hotmail.com
Youth Retreat
Now accepting IGNITE 2025 Youth Retreat Registrations! The IGNITE Youth Retreat (for 6th-12th graders) will be held in Ocean City, Maryland on March 7-9, 2025. The cost is $65 per person. Assistance with this registration fee is available on request. We do not want the cost to prohibit someone from this experience. See Ms. Sheila for more information. Registration forms are available in the middle school and high school Sunday School classrooms. Registration for this retreat will be due by Sunday, January 12th. The cost will go up to $85 after this due date.