In Our Community

Parents Night Out, Friday

February 28th | 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Registration is now open and is requested by February 9th or until spots are filled. Cost is Free – all donations go toward  Confirmation class initiative for Lent: a collection for Hope For All!
To register, go to:

Project ECHO

(Ecumenical Council for the Homeless)

Help us prepare or coordinate meals for approximately 40 Project ECHO residents once each month.
Project ECHO is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide hope for the homeless. Project ECHO houses men, women and children for up to 90-days and is completely free. Project ECHO offers many supplemental programs that enable residents to become healthier, happier, more self-sufficient people. Project ECHO’s goal is to create a living space where the residents take time out from surviving and focus on getting their lives in order in a safe, drug and alcohol free environment so that they can move on to being productive and happy members of society. HUMC is a long-standing  Project ECHO partner.
Contacts are Marion Bronson-Cruce and Debbie D’Amico.

Safe Nights

The Safe Nights program is dedicated to protecting the homeless during the cold winter months and providing shelter in a clean and safe environment to persons of Calvert County that are experiencing homelessness. HUMC provides a week of overnight shelter and 3 meals per day for our guests. Safe Nights is a non-profit program driven by hundreds of volunteers with gracious donations of their time, prepared meals, services, funds, and supplies.
Contact Marijo Cosmas-Monnett at 443.624.6164 and go to:

Heart F.E.L.T. of Calvert County

Filling Empty Little Tummies

We believe that every child deserves the advantage good nutrition provides to physical, emotional and intellectual development.
HUMC partners with Heart F.E.L.T., a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide nutritious meals to students and their siblings on weekends, holidays and extended school break periods. HUMC supports 4 schools in the Huntingtown area and has been “Filling empty little tummies” for more than 11 years.
Contacts: Donna Deale, Diane Chaney, and Roxie Simmons

Heart F.E.L.T. Sponsorship is OPEN!

Go to our website at or, scan the QR code to participate in the new program to benefit the food-insecure children of Calvert County.

Pie in the Face Heart F.E.L.T. Fundraiser

Thank you all for pieing us in the face last week! We are thrilled that $2900 was raised for our Heart F.E.L.T. ministry! Simply AMAZING!!! God is so good! What an outpouring of love for the families of Heart F.E.L.T.! And what a great time we had doing it! We are able to sponsor 7 ½ children through your generosity – and just over $1000 more is needed to support the children through this entire school year! Thank you so very much! Rev. Jenn and Ms. Sheila are beyond thrilled with the response for the Pie in the Face Fundraiser for Heart F.E.L.T.!


Cooler weather is upon us. As you go through your closets and find that you have warm winter clothing that no longer fits or you would just love to part with and make room for new, PROJECT WARM is back. Donations of new or gently used winter clothing from hats to boots and everything in between…scarves, sweaters, sweats, shirts, coats, pants, gloves…you get the idea. This year we are also asking for ages 5-13 children’s clothing. Donations of blankets and comforters are also welcome. All items donated will be taken to ProjectECHO; ProjectECHO has emergency shelter and supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Calvert County, Maryland. Donations will be accepted throughout the month of November and can be dropped off in the large wooden box by the entry to the Welcome/Coffee area.
Contact: Marijo Cosmas-Monnett 443-624-6164.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Mission Statement: Open the church to the local community to share with and care for others. The Red Cross Blood Drive ministry coordinates the use of HUMC Celebration Hall for a Red Cross Blood Drive twice a year, usually in September and April.
Contact: David or Diane Reyno, 410-257-7814

Christmas in April

The mission of Christmas in April is to preserve and revitalize homes to assure that low- income homeowners can remain living independently in warm and safe homes. Christmas in April Calvert County, Inc. helps disabled and elderly homeowners, and families with children, who live in and own their house and cannot afford to pay for home repairs.

Calvert Churches Community Food Pantry, Inc.

HUMC is one of 9 churches in Calvert County that participate in the USDA food assistance program with donations of non-perishable food. Since 2002, the CCCFP is open to anyone in Calvert County without regard to race, creed, ethnic background, sexual orientation, age or religion. Contact the Food Pantry or a member church to request assistance. Call us or leave a message on the answering machine at (410) 414-7474.

Donations are on-going and are delivered to the Food Pantry on a monthly or as needed basis.
Contact: David Reyno