What Did Jesus Do on the First Holy Saturday?

While the Bible offers no explicit answer to that question, that didn’t stop the earliest Christians from gleaning all they could from all relevant Scriptures, and eventually including the phrase “He descended into hell”  in The Apostles’ Creed. 

Zacchaeus and The Disadvantages of Being Short

As I prepare for this Sunday’s sermon about Zacchaeus, my mind keeps wandering. What was it like being short in biblical times?

Can Christians Be Certain?

Can we be certain when it comes to our knowledge of God? Or is there room for doubt and confusion?

Why Can’t We Perfect? (Like Jesus Said.)

Imagine how wonderful it would be if we all did this. I would not lose patience with my children. I would listen more deeply to my wife. I would not give into temptation and eat the forbidden fruit in the pantry at midnight. My sermons would always end on time, and all of my relationships would be healthy and wholesome.

The Compassion of Judas Iscariot

During Holy Week we recall the events leading up to Christ’s crucifixion, and the men who played a part in having him executed: The religious aristocracy, Pontius Pilate and even one of Jesus’ closest followers.

Is Ash Wednesday Biblical?

I’m wondering about the lasting impact these ashes will have on those of us who are receiving them. Is Ash Wednesday an empty ritual?

Arguing can be good for you!

The church can be a good place to argue. Christian couples will argue with one another. Ministry teams can argue amongst themselves. Personalities will clash.

God’s Dysfunctional Families

It’s pretty easy to find biblical principles applying to marriage and family life. It’s even easier to find stories of dysfunctional families.

Political Parties, Corporations, and a Peasant Baby.

It’s easy to feel insignificant in a world of seven billion people, where news headlines are dominated by political and economic movements, led by people with power and prestige. Don’t be disheartened, for Christmas serves as a constant reminder that these mammoth forces are not the authors of redemptive history.

What Happens When God’s Messengers Challenge Authority?

The story of Moses begins where the story of Joseph ends: in Egypt. There are some interesting parallels between the two: