Fellowship Event Galleries

Together we serve, build relationships, and share the love of Jesus throughout our community and the world.


Adult Mission Trip

April 11 – 14, 2025

Trip to Windsor, NC. with Carolina Rebuilding Ministry (CRM), a faith-based rebuilding ministry. No experience required. The only cost is contributing to vehicle fuel and evening dinner wit the group.
Contact: To sign up or for questions, text or call Randy Morgan at 410-610-3306 or Jeff Ireland at 443-975-1416.

Walking the Way of Wesley

March 1, 2025

Walking the Way of Wesley – Part 4 Fellowship Dinner; sharing fellowship, food and faithful learning. Our fourth and final event, we will share in a potluck meal and then hear from Dr. Ryan Danker speaking on the Keys to Growth.
RSVP: Roxie Simmons at roxie1127@comcast.net not later than Wednesday, February 26th

Jingle Jam

December 21, 2024

‘Tis the season for Jingle Jam 2024. Fa-la-la-la-la La-La-La!
Christmas cheer for the family with engaging games, music, creative storytelling, and more. A memorable event for the entire community.

Fireside Fellowship

November 1st, 2024

Bring your family and friends to join in the fun of an informal FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP on Friday, November 1st at 5:00 p.m. We’ll gather around the HUMC fire pit and enjoy hotdogs, hot chocolate, ‘smores, and music. Dress warmly and bring chairs.

Pastor Appreciation Month

October 2024

During the month, please take a moment to let Rev. Jenn know how much you appreciate her ministry and all she does for HUMC. If you are unable to thank her personally, you can let her know how much you appreciate her by sending cards, emails, texts, or the old-fashion way of calling her on the phone. Join us during fellowship time on October 20th for cake in honor of Rev Jenn.

3rd-5th Grade Bible Presentation

September 8th, 2024

HUMC celebrates the tradition of presenting NIV Adventure Bibles to our third graders, and older kids who are new to HUMC, TODAY. The kids will be presented with this Bible from our church along with a handmade Bible carrier. We would like to thank Alice Kyle for making these beautiful, special carriers for the children! Please join in celebrating this milestone in the lives of our kids!

Church Picnic

September 1st, 2024

The church picnic follows the joint 10:30 service. Please bring chairs for your family. We’ll have a few games for fun and friendly competition. We’re asking for donations of picnic-type salads (e.g., potato salad, coleslaw) to supplement the other foods provided by the church. We’re also planning a cookie bake-off competition. Bring a batch of your favorite cookies for judging on taste, texture, and appearance. Cookies will be used as our picnic dessert. Salad and cookie donations are optional. You don’t need to donate to attend